Monday, 31 October 2011

Occupy London

by Tish Mason

I found myself near St Pauls with an hour to spare on Wednesday so I wandered round the Occupy London camp, looking at all the posters posted on the wire fences. I found it peaceful, compassionate and well ordered. There is a kitchen tent, a first aid tent and an information tent with clear pathways between the tents so that anyone can wander around and look at the notice boards.

I particularly liked a poster with two pigeons facing the viewer with a bubble saying 'Occupy London, we do!' I also liked the sign above one of the tents saying 'Compost capitalism'. It seemed to capture in a nutshell the need for an alternative approach to our economy and way of living. One amusing moment occurred when one of the metal fences put up by St Pauls because of health and safety concerns fell over with its sharp metal spikes pointing directly at my head. Several of the protesters leapt to prevent its fall and with cheerful mutters of 'health and safety' attached it to its neighbouring fences again.

No-one asked me to think anything, believe anything, or sign anything. No-one commented or queried the presence of a middle aged woman in a mac with handbag in the camp. In fact there seemed to be a wide range of people passing through and reading the posters. I am sure if I had asked there would have been people willing to explain what was going on but I was left free to make up my own mind - and I was impressed.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

St Paul’s Action Day For Camberley Besom

Helpers from St Paul's help Besom with Harvest Gifts

Members of St Paul’s Volunteer for Besom

A group of volunteers from St Paul’s spent a day helping out the Besom charity processing the harvest gifts kindly donated by local schools and churches in Camberley.

The Besom are a local charity who specialise in providing food packs and other items to those in need, in Camberley and the surrounding area. On 22nd October the group of eight helped sort out the harvest gifts, separating out tins into categories, and sifting out those passed their sell-by dates, ready to make food parcels for those in need in the local area. The quantity of gifts ensured this was a worthy challenge for the team.

One of the volunteers, Ted Crew says: “On this occasion 'the fields were all white and the reapers were many' and the work of Besom can proceed reaching out to those in need. We also enjoyed the work”.

For more information on Camberley Besom see the previous post Camberley Besom - Sweeping Away Suffering.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Mayor and Mayoress of Surrey Heath on the UN Day to Eradicate Poverty 2011

Mayor Tim Dodds ponders over a Pauper's Grave

Mayor Tim Dodds pays his respects at the Pauper's Graves, Brookwood Cemetery

The Mayor and Mayoress of Surrey Heath joined the Surrey Heath Coalition Against Poverty at Brookwood Cemetery on Saturday 15 October, in the run up to the United Nations international day to end poverty (which occurs annually on 17 October).

We were there to pay our respects to the Paupers of London in the 1850’s. This is about the only time of the year when the pauper’s graves get visited and remembered, so a special time. In the mid-nineteenth century the volume of London's dead was causing public concern. So in 1850 the idea of a great metropolitan cemetery, situated in the suburbs and large enough to contain all of London's dead, was promoted. The outcome was Brookwood Cemetery, the largest burial ground in the world when it was opened in 1854 by the London Necropolis & Mausoleum Company.

I interviewed Mayor Tim Dodds, on his thoughts about the UN Day to End Poverty, and poverty locally in the borough.


On the United Nations Day to Eradicate Poverty…

The Mayor says: “The United Nations Day to End Poverty is a laudable thing and just focuses peoples minds on those that have little or nothing”.

On poverty in Surrey Heath ….

Surrey Heath has pockets of poverty. The Old Dean, St Michael’s and Watchetts have the highest numbers of 0-19 year olds in poverty in the county.

On local poverty the Mayor says: “Poverty exists everywhere. Those with money will be in poverty quite quickly if they loose their job they are unable to afford the lifestyle that they currently have. Recently I was at Avenue Sucy at a church led event, celebrating the people who live there, and trying to say to them that they are not forgotten. People understand some of the difficulties that some of them live with. Their issues are recognised by a number of organisations in the borough.

Surrey Heath does have pockets of poverty which we need to recognise, and I think as a borough, we do pretty well. It’s a very volunteering conscious borough, and lots of organisations do fantastic work, more so than people recognise. Whilst poverty exists in part of the borough, there is recognition that it exists, and there is a willingness to do something about it”.

On the role of voluntary organisations in eradicating poverty…

Mayor Tim Dodds says: “I don’t have any vision for any greater role for the charities and organisations in the borough than we currently have. There are a huge number of them, supported by dedicated volunteers. I’m sure most voluntary organisations can’t do any more. I spoke to somebody last night who’s a governor of a school, a trustee of the Frimley Fuel Allotments and a number of other things. These people who want to volunteer and contribute make a difference in a big way, because they use most of their time to do voluntary work. We just need more volunteers, I think that’s the solution”.


Mayor and Mayoress at the start of the Pauper's Graves walk

Friday, 14 October 2011

This Weekend – What is the Poverty Line?

Saturday Unite Together for World Poverty, Local Poverty, All Poverty

October 17 is the UN Day to End Poverty worldwide. This weekend in Surrey Heath, the Surrey Heath Coalition Against Poverty (SHCAP) are commemorating on Saturday 15 October with two events that people can take part in. A serious look at what happened to the deceased of London in 1850, followed by a fun workshop for all the family.

The day, which is commemorated globally, seeks to promote increased awareness of the need to eradicate poverty and serves to remind all people that sustained and concerted effort is vital to achieve the millennium development goal (MDG) of halving the number of people living in poverty by 2015.

Poverty doesn’t just exist in the third world, it also exists locally. Whilst poverty is low in Surrey Heath compared to the regional benchmark, The Surrey Heath Families in Poverty Needs Assessment says: “Surrey’s appearance as a wealthy county can be deceptive”. It goes on to state that there are 1,605 children and young people living in poverty in the borough. The Old Dean, St Michael’s and Watchetts have the highest numbers of 0-19 year olds in poverty.

This week, the national news reported that “UK seeing a big rise in poverty, says IFS”.  What does this mean for us as individuals?

Well poverty is defined as an income which falls below 60% of the median income. The IFS report advises the real median household incomes have fallen significantly between 2009 and 2011. So in real figures, here is the scoop….

What is the Poverty Line IN THE UK?

  • Single adult, no children: £165 per week
  • Couple, no children: £248 per week
  • Lone parent, 1 child: £215 per week
  • Lone parent, 2 children: £264 per week
  • Lone parent, 3 children: £314 per week
  • Couple, 1 child: £297 per week
  • Couple, 2 children: £347 per week
  • Couple, 3 children: £396 per week

As SHCAP start their tour of the 1850  London Paupers Graves in Brookwood, we shall also be thinking about the  'Pauper funerals' in Wales right now in 2011, due to the rise in  burial costs.

Saturday is also about fun and creativity. ATD Fourth World, based at Frimhurst Family Centre, are putting on a creative workshop for the whole family. Refreshments are provided, and a big balloon release will end a day in Surrey Heath, that we spent thinking about those less fortunate than ourselves.

On Twitter, we shall be using the hashtag #SHCAP throughout to day to bring live updates on events, and more information about poverty and what is being done to help locally. More information on the Surrey Heath Coalition Against Poverty (SHCAP) at

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

15 October – Afternoon of Events to Mark UN Day for Ending Extreme Poverty

Surrey Heath Coalition Against Poverty (SHCAP) are running several events to mark the United Nations day for ending extreme poverty.

Every year, October 17 marks the UN Day for Ending Poverty. This year SHCAP are organising two local events on Saturday 15 October in the run up to the UN Day, to raise awareness of poverty in Surrey Heath and worldwide.

The Mayor of Surrey Heath will be present as local historian John Clarke  leads a guided walk to the paupers graves area of Brookwood cemetery. John will tell the story of how these graves represented the largest burial ground in the world during 1850, and were used to bury the dead of London, sent on a train from a special terminal at Waterloo station. This event runs between 1.45pm to 4.30pm from the Visitor Centre Car Park, Brookwood Cemetery Glades, Cemetery Pales, Brookwood GU24 0BL.

Later in the afternoon, there is an opportunity to get creative in an all age workshop to explore poverty both locally and internationally. No artistic talent needed, come along and have a go. There will be refreshments, a group art activity, and a helium balloon release. This event runs from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at Frimhurst Family House, Guildford Road, Frimley Green GU16 6NU.

Tish Mason from SHCAP says about the day: “It’s not about fund raising, it’s just being aware about issues of poverty. We try and raise the profile of local organisations who are working to campaign and help people living in extreme poverty”.

So come along, learn something new, and have fun!