Tuesday, 25 October 2011

St Paul’s Action Day For Camberley Besom

Helpers from St Paul's help Besom with Harvest Gifts

Members of St Paul’s Volunteer for Besom

A group of volunteers from St Paul’s spent a day helping out the Besom charity processing the harvest gifts kindly donated by local schools and churches in Camberley.

The Besom are a local charity who specialise in providing food packs and other items to those in need, in Camberley and the surrounding area. On 22nd October the group of eight helped sort out the harvest gifts, separating out tins into categories, and sifting out those passed their sell-by dates, ready to make food parcels for those in need in the local area. The quantity of gifts ensured this was a worthy challenge for the team.

One of the volunteers, Ted Crew says: “On this occasion 'the fields were all white and the reapers were many' and the work of Besom can proceed reaching out to those in need. We also enjoyed the work”.

For more information on Camberley Besom see the previous post Camberley Besom - Sweeping Away Suffering.

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